31 Jan 2008

A University Course in English Grammar

 640 pages | PDF | 2.21 MB

This comprehensive up-to-date descriptive grammar is a complete course for first degree and post-graduate students of Applied Linguistics and English Language. It is also suitable as a background course for literature and discourse studies, since grammatical usage is illustrated with authentic texts, many of them from literary sources.
Originally published by Prentice Hall in 1992, this text is now readily available world-wide from Routledge. Features include:

*  chapters divided into modules of class-length material
*  literary and other authentic texts and transcriptions contextualise structure
*  clear chapter and module summaries enabling efficient teacher preparation and student     revision
*  tasks for individual study at the end of each chapter
*  answer key to tasks
*  comprehensive index. Originally published by Prentice Hall in 1992, this reissue is now readily     available from Routledge. This comprehensive up-to-date descriptive grammar is ideal for     students of English as a foreign language.




Pass: www.dl4all.com


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