29 Jan 2008

Key Clinical Trials in Erectile Dysfunction

Paperback: 84 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 12, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1846284279

This book represents a critical appraisal of the major clinical trials that have had a significant impact on clinical research and practice during the last decade. Each trial follows a strict format, starting with reference to the original source of publication, details on the key investigators and their methods of research. The strengths and weaknesses of each trial are discussed as well as their influence on clinical practice. Articles are complemented by a diagrammatic summary of the trial design and the key findings. It is estimated that over 20 million men in Europe alone suffer at some time in their life from erectile dysfunction (ED). This is the first book to bring together in a single volume a critical review of all the major trials in ED.



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